
  • Have returned to blogging: here

    May follow/comment/stalk, if you prefer.

  • K, here’s the thing. I’m exhausted. Wait. Backup. I’m beyond exhausted. Right now my head is begging me to sleep because my eyes are almost about to pop out and roll onto the floor. These next few days are going to suck big time. I hate having to work during the final weeks of school because it seems like there is literally no time for anything. I mean, shit. I worked Saturday through today, mostly all crappy shifts and then throw in all the time I spend at school in class and that equals out to.. well, no sleeping time. Translate no to about 4 hours a night and that’s me, right now, in this moment.

    Speaking of work, it’s driving me crazy. I am literally counting the days until I don’t have to work Monday nights anymore (two more weeks, yessss) because that is the worst shift in the world for me. It doesn’t help that my boss schedules me Tuesday mornings as well, so I might as bring a cot and sleep over in the office upstairs at work because it feels like I’m there so much between Monday and Tuesday. Plus, every Tuesday this woman works who reeks. I mean, her scent lingers for one minute or more after she leaves the area. Thankfully she isn’t in my department otherwise it would be horrible for me. If she walks past me, I hold my breathe but I can’t hold it for that long so I end up getting a whiff of her. It smells like ammonia + cat pee + general old person smell (I don’t think she is that old, anyway) + body odor + I don’t know what else. But geezus.

    Also, there is this guy who goes to my school who thinks it is cool and ok to write horrible things about the school and/or the general area that we live in. He isn’t from around here so I guess that gives him some sort of arrogant attitude (although I think he just is arrogant normally). He hates our program and the school and everything about this place, and he makes it so well known that I actually have started to hate him with every new Facebook status he writes knocking down the town, the school, or everyone here. It’s frustrating because I thought he was a pretty cool person when I first met him but his true colors are disgusting. Thankfully he will be gone at the end of summer session because I can only keep my mouth shut for so long.

  • Today I was driving home from school after my meeting for my final lesson plan of the semester and I swear, every person I got behind was going so far under the speed limit that it was ridiculous. I am a particularly fast driver because I tend to run late even though I don’t mean to. I got so anxious at one point, honestly. If the speed limit is 45 mph and you are doing 25 mph, please move into the right hand lane, tyvm.

    It has been pretty nice here lately. The weather hasn’t been too horribly cold but brisk enough to wear a jacket and a pair of jeans. The only thing that I don’t enjoy is that even if there seems to be no wind, my hair still blows around a lot. What is up with that? It ends up blowing straight across my face which seriously can get annoying if I am trying to walk across campus and/or I am late to something… like usual. I am hoping that the weather will stay like this until the beginning of summer (a girl can dream) but more than likely we will have some crappy rainy days.

    I need to go work on my TESOL paper but I am procrastinating like usual. Well, I will work on that paper and watch Biggest Loser which is what I normally do when I work on homework (watch tv in general, not just BL). I’m on the 4th day of P90X, by the way. My body doesn’t hurt too bad today. Last night was just shoulders and arms. Although it hurt at the moment, today I wasn’t extremely sore. Maybe I should use heavier weights. Today is yoga, which I haven’t done yet. I don’t have their yoga dvd so I will just use the one that my mom has downstairs in our tv stand. Should suffice.

    One thing I am getting increasingly irritated with is people who a) insult others for no reason, b) hate something that you love and make sure you know they hate it, c) general self-righteousness and know-it-alls. More on this topic later; not sure if dropping names would be good but maybe I can vent without having to do that.

  • I know life isn’t supposed to be easy but right now, it feels so hard. I don’t know what my problem is lately but last week and the beginning of this week just aren’t going too well. It seems like all the bad things happen at once because geez!

    I know it might not seem like a lot, but at my job I work 16 hours a week. That accumulates to 3 days a week, approximately. Sometimes 4. But I feel like it is TOO much. Simply put, I feel like I have no time to get anything done, and soon it’s the night before a huge paper is due and I’m stuck typing out some crap and hoping to an A on it. I feel like next week will end up just like that. Even last week when I had a group presentation on Tuesday night, we didn’t even get the entire Powerpoint done until.. um.. that day! I worked all weekend + Monday night + Tuesday morning, my work wouldn’t let me leave early on Monday so I could get home to work on it (even though neither girl in my group had sent me their slides until 10:30 pm!). Grr. Stressville, for sure. It’s been like this lately, and I don’t know why. I need to stop procrastinating but I get distracted so easily and than I have hours of work and schoolwork and I feel like screaming.


    Life needs to stop being so stressful. It sucks!

    On top of that, I started that P90X workout system thing. For all that is good and holy, my body is in so much pain. I hope I can lose some weight but OMG. I know there has to be so pain but this is a lot.

    Oh, and it was fun to come home tonight after work and see my cat sleeping on top of my clean clothes. That was purely awesome.

  • Having a hard day. Nothing is particularly wrong, just a general feeling and consensus. There is two more weeks of class and I feel pretty stressed about things. I have many papers to write, and I think I have procrastinated on every single one of them. Like always. -slaps self-

    Well, at least I can rest a little bit starting in May. I realized that I registered for the online version of a required class that I have to take (Intercultural Communication). Since it is only offered in the summer, I must take it. But I don’t really mind that it is online because then I won’t have to drive so much for school for about a month or so. I am close to having enough money to quit my job in July, so yay! :) I won’t be working from August until (at least) January because I am doing my Practicum during the Fall semester and it requires 100 contact hours. I guess 50 hours for observation and 50 hours for actual teaching. 100 hours seems like so much to me, but without work and only two other classes, I should be fine.

    Um, life is pretty boring besides that. I need to update more often. I’ll try. :)

  • I don’t have much time because I have to go to work in 5-10 minutes, but…

    I reactivated my Peace Corps application!

    I will write more when I am running on more than 3 hours of sleep. Boo.

  • I spent a considerable amount of time working on this thing and it’s starting to look ok now, just a few more things and I’ll be satisfied.

    Anyway! It’s been a long time! Woah.
    I actually never thought I would be back here blogging, but such is life. I have missed it considerably. I always say I will write in my journal next to my bed, but by the time I get to sleep it’s past midnight or some other silly time and never get around to it.

    Life has changed so much in the past three years. I graduated with my undergraduate degree in May 2009 after studying Journalism. Couldn’t find a job so I went back to school for my Master’s. I am getting my Master’s degree in English Studies and Communication, as well as my certification in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). After some consideration, I am applying the Peace Corps, and hoping to get sent somewhere close to the time I finish my degree, which I will complete in December 2010. So many exciting things happening lately, I will try to write as much as possible. Haven’t seen many people around here in awhile and I’m not sure of all the changes Xanga has implemented but I guess it’s time to get out in the community and start commenting again.
    Much love xo

  • It has been nearly three years since I have written here. I think it is time to stage a comeback. I don’t even know if the people that I used to read here are still around, but I hope that at least some of them are. So much has changed in the past three years. Seriously. I don’t even know where to start, or if it’s necessary to write an update on anything. Maybe I should just jump headfirst into the water and start swimming around. Either or, I think I’m ready to start blogging again. I have tried to blog many other places, and often I give up after a day or a week. It never felt like blogging on Xanga. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things (and fix up this horrendous formatting job I’ve put on here).

    Hope to catch up with some of you, soon!


  • Randoms

    I remember a time when I actually used to write in here. That seems long gone. Nothing to write. Nothing of importance. A few things have gone on so it looks like this is going to become a little thing I like to call: a bulleted post. (Sad, it took me about 30 seconds to type out “bulleted” because for some reason, my fingers screamed in agony over the fact of the typing that word out. Moving on…)

    • Found out that my lovely sister Anne is moving in with me THIS COMING FRIDAY. For approximately 8-9 weeks, her and I will be co-habiting in my apartment. It will either be good or bad. I already restocked on groceries, because no one likes moving in with someone who lets her food get down to the bare minimum (so much so, that she has to eat what’s left, and that’s usually crackers).
    • I went camping for the first time ever on Sunday night. It was quite alright until we had to sleep. There was six of us, and the tent was large enough – it was just the.. uh.. ground.. and the dampness, the coldness, the silence (could there be such a thing?).. and the whole thing about me thinking I hear 1000 noises every second. I barely slept, then the alarm went off at 5:45 am because some people had to be at work at 7 am (it was a work camping trip) so off we headed into the sunrise at 6:15 am.. where I promptly collapsed in my bed.
    • In the past three days, I have gotten approximately 12 hours of sleep. Yay. Two hours one night, four hours the next, and six the next. I think tomorrow tonight (durr..) I am totally going to sleep in…
    • Sasha got microchipped on Monday! It was such an awesome deal. $19.99 for the implantation, AND the vet paid for a full year of the service. Every year its $14.99 to keep it activated but it’s worth it if she gets lost. Normally microchips (the one she got was Home Again) are $42.99 + the $14.99 for the year service. And they didn’t even charge me an exam fee, which they quoted me over the phone as an extra $42.50. I really made out.
    • I’ve been kind of working on my writing lately. I have been running with this thing I wrote about a year ago which I really liked and been trying to add more to it. I think I’ll end up with four characters, I have two sketched out at this very moment but really need to work on the fine details and pull some things together. It’s mostly a messy jumbled mess of meaningless paragraphs/half chapters… so hopefully by the end of the summer I can really have it outlined to some extent.
    • It’s HOT here. Nothing like artificial air to keep mey cool at night. I kind of hate air conditioning because I do get so cold at night, but hey — it keeps me from sweating during sleep.
    • Andddddddd, I think it’s time for bed…

    Night kids.

  • More Changes, You Say?!

    My life keeps changing dramatically. At this point in time, I do not know where my life is headed. I am kind of unsure of what I will end up doing for the rest of my life, as I have changed my major a third time – and this time, it is not animal-related. Well, I guess eventually it could be, but I might as well face the facts now: I am a lot better at something else besides veterinary medicine. My grades were not cutting it, and rather than torture myself, I have “discovered” something else I can make a living with that will make me equally as happy, maybe even more so. I know some people who read this might already know what I’m talking about, after years of knowing me and reading even some of things that have not made it onto my weblog. Yes, I am switching my major to Journalism.

    I do not know where this degree will lead me, but I am actually moving back home to my parent’s at the end of July. I never wanted to move back in with them, but it’s inevitable. I had no live real physical support down in Lafayette, so it is back to my hometown once more. I am hoping to only stay there for a year and then find someplace to live in the area on my own. Something I can pay for on my own, or with someone else. I have no clue where my life is leading me, but this feels right.

    I have missed writing. I did it a lot in high school, a lot in my beginning college years, and after a while, it sort of just dwindled down to nothing. I may have lacked inspiration or drive, but I just know that writing makes me happy. Having the ability to tend to my feelings and emotions with words, to master the art of surprise or unexpectation, it’s a gift beyond all measures. Whether I end up writing articles for a newspaper, or a magazine, or freelancing my work, or being a novelist – I don’t know. It will all come in time.

    I have become an excellent typer for something…


    By the way, I am still looking for a new place to start a new blog. If anyone has ANY suggestions (besides Blogger, LiveJournal, etc.) I would greatly appreciate it. I would like something user-friendly, where it has the ability for anyone to leave a comment, and where I can customize my page INTENSELY. I want it to be my own. My little corner of the webiverse.