Month: February 2007

  • Almost a week and no word from me. Don’t worry, I didn’t really die of the flu but it sure as hell felt like it for a few days. Things have pretty much been looking up this week – except for the fact that we are having an ice storm at the moment and I still haven’t been paid from my grooming job (I’m up to 56 hours clocked; it’s going to be one hell of a paycheck).

    Let’s see. I got an A on my Animal Nutrition test, aka the test from hell. Literally. I don’t know what made him think we should be able to list all 10 essential amino acids when he specifically said we only had to know three – but hey, I got an A so I’m pretty proud of myself. I also got B’s on my Animal Physiology test and my Calculus test. Not too shabby but not really good enough. (Speaking of Calculus, on my online quiz last week I only got a 5/10 because I gave up on it – she emailed us and said everyone who did it got a 10/10 because the snow storm screwed up the due date – yay! It bumps my online quiz average to a 92%.)

    Other exciting things that happened this week:

    I got informed that we are going to Body Worlds on the 3rd, which is super exciting. The other week my professor brought in a plastinized pig stomach which was ultra cool – I was holding an ACTUAL porcine stomach; now only if he could bring in reproductive systems – it would really be out of this world. Going to the exhibit is happening the day after I go to the Breaking Benjamin/Three Days Grace/Nickelback concert with my sisters on the 2nd.

    I have lost 13 pounds! On purpose, of course. This is uber exciting!

    Tina has decided to come see me the weekend of April 13. (I just now realized that it’s Friday the 13th – ha! Not like that has any effect.) She is coming that weekend because that is when Spring Fest is. Basically it’s a huge event that Purdue puts on where all the departments and programs have demonstrations and presentations and stuff. I went back when I was in grade school because I brought my Vet Science poster down for 4-H. I had to stand next to it and talk to the professors, veterinarians, students, etc. about my poster (I forgot what it was on – sad). So this time Tina is coming with my parents and me. It’s going to be such a blast! Friday night we are going to plan out what we are going to see; there is so much that we have to plan it on depending on the times. We are staying within the Vet Med section because that’s all I care about (although we might venture to the ANSC people if they have anything remotely cool – I can’t really shut out my own major/school). Hopefully this year they are going to have the live spay again. We really want to see that.

    On the Sasha front:
    Her biggest new accomplishment is that she can jump from the stove (one side of the kitchen) to the counter (other side of the kitchen). She’s about 8 pounds now; I’ll know for sure next weekend because I’m going to stop by the vet’s to have her weighed. [It's free, so why not?] She has finally picked her spot on the bed – right by my head with her butt on my arm/shoulder. Comfy for her, annoying for me when her fur is being crazy. But I still love her. Maybe if she is good she’ll get a friend to play with when I have the money to waste.

    Good update? I hope so. I’m just real busy nowadays.


  • I’m dying of the flu on my futon.
    See ya when the fever passes in 3-4 days.
    Holy shit.
    This is not a good time to be sick.
    Doctor’s orders: “No Work.”
    How will I pay the bills?
  • Even though it’s gusty, snowy, and supposed to reach a total height of 10 inches, you really don’t think it’s that bad out.
    So when you tramp outside in pj pants, snow boots, and a heavy winter coat to get the toilet paper you left in the car last night, you think you will be okay.
    But you are wrong.
    As you slip out the door and try to run against the 30 mph wind, your hood coming off and snow climbing your pants, you realize that no one has yet plowed and the weathermen were right.
    Stay inside.
    But, really, you want to go out to your balcony, snap off the GINORMOUS icicle hanging from it, and eat it like you used to do with your sisters when you were younger.
    You want to go home and sled with your sister, even though you are under a snow emergency and the only driving that should be done is for emergencies only.
    Is wanting to sled an emergency?

    Enjoy Winter 2007.

  • P2240153

    10.02.94 – 02.10.07
    Rest In Peace, Oreo.
    I love you and I always will.
    Thanks for growing up with me.

  • Holy shit.
    My head is about to explode.
    This week is like the week from Hell.
    Times two.
    Times three.

    Basically been a bit like this:
    1. Snowed 5.5 inches, and since I don’t have a shovel, I had to dig my car out with a freaking snow brush.

    2. Started a new job. Which I love, by the way. But I went in today thinking it was going to be a 4 hour day. Nope, 8 hours. 4 dogs. Hellish after not working the job in six months. But oh, how I’ve missed it!

    3. Got the Foal Watch schedule. This is a program where undergrads/vet students/vets can volunteer their precious time to watch over neonatal foals at times like 7pm – 11pm, 11pm – 3am, and 3am – 7am. I’m scheduled nine times in two months (that’s actually a lot considering like 50 people signed up for this). Guess how many of those are 3am – 7am?! Four. Yup. Killing self now.

    4. Was gone today from  7:30am til 9:30pm. Sasha was mad.

    5. Drank pop from a fountain. Stomach = pain. Kate = dumb.

    6. Missed Grey’s. I know, I know. I’m watching it tomorrow, right before or right after a much needed bath.

    7. I’ve had a headache for 24 hours. Headaches wreck havoc. I’m not happy about this.

    8. I have everything strewn around my apartment – clothes, towels, snow boots, salt from outside, books, bookbag, blankets, Sasha’s stuff, school newspaper, sweatshirts, other shoes, socks. Sigh. I’ve been WAY too busy. Maybe Sunday?! Yeah, right.

    9. My legs are so dry that after putting nice cool cucumber lotion on them I was in so much pain it felt like someone was burning them with fire!

    10. Tired. Off to sleep 5-6 hours before getting up to study some more for my test tomorrow. It’s already making me nauseous.


  • I’m still thinking about giving up on this whole Xanga thing. But I’ve been here five and half years (what a loser!) so a part of me feels obliged to stick around a bit longer. Although I’m certainly intrigued by other blogging places, as it allows a little bit more of a creative flow that I’m certainly lacking here in this teeny-tiny, itty-bitty corner of cyberspace. I haven’t written creatively in well over a year and I think it’s starting to eat at me. No one is really here for that so I might be off to find someplace else that craves and nurtures that side of me. Y’all will be invited (all, you know, 3 of you who comment on a regular basis – such dwindling numbers; not like I was ever ‘popular’ here in Xanga High School, but you know..) so no worries about that. I’m just seeking a little different space and a different set of minds to bounce things off of than what is now gracing a majority of the pages here (see: young 13 year olds).

    On a completely different note, it’s snowing here like crazy. It’s expected that we will get a grand total of six inches but I am thinking we are going to get way over that. It’s been snowing since approximately 8 or 9 am and there is already about three inches piled on the ground, the roads, and more specifically: my car. Driving back from work at the high speeds of 20 mph, I saw two people slip-sliding down the hilly roads and a couple more take a few slips towards the very wonderfully placed highly inclined hill on the side of the road that only leads to God-knows-where, most likely a place where no one will find you for weeks on end. Also, my town decided that even though it’s snowing at a rate of 0.5-1 inch per hour, snowplows are definitely not necessary to keep the citizens safety intact. My car felt like it was time to rebellious and on top of the 20 mph that I allowed myself to drive, it decided that ice was going to form on the windshield wipers making it impossible for me to see out the window unless I stretched high or stooped low. My normal 15 minute drive to work took nearly a half hour. It got worse the closer I got to my apartment, seeing that my complex didn’t even have the decency to even attempt to plow any of the snow so I took a gander in the 3 inch snow piled along the entire stretch road and sidewalks. Fun shit.

    And to try to waive off the fact that I just complained for an entire paragraph, I’ll throw in the fact that I decided last night after class to drop by the store and pick up chocolate, just to ruin my diet (aka “lifestyle change”). Wonderful, aren’t I? Can you tell I’m not feeling this whole Xanga thing at the moment? Sasha and I are about to go lay on the futon and watch some crappy daytime shows about baby’s daddies and women talking about everything they can and how so-and-so owes blah blah $135 for the fact that she called her a slut.

    I have to meet with my advisor soon to put in my classes for the summer and fall semester. I’m pretty sure I’m going to go huge and take three classes this summer (I know, such an over-achiever!) and then pile on 16-17 credits next semester. 28 more classes to go before I graduate with my BS. That’s approximately 4-5 semesters. Sigh. I’m going to be so old.

    I’m too bitter today to even write more. This seems sufficient.


  • Y’all won’t miss me.
    You already don’t.
