Month: October 2006

  • I was going to write about my weekend, but I have lots on my mind. I
    don’t feel like writing down the step-by-step version of what happened
    the past couple of days. It was fun. Really, that’s all that matters.

    a whole different note, this whole crying thing really needs to stop. I
    just feel so lonely here. That is the bottom line. I mean, I spent time
    with people this weekend and I had a really good time. But I don’t hang
    out with people much anymore, if at all. Usually only when I’m with my
    family (can that count as “hanging out”?) and when Tina was here. I
    basically just made myself a sad loner. I like being alone sometimes,
    but it’s getting overbearing. I was driving today and thinking about
    how New Year’s is in basically two months. I probably will be
    completely alone with my cat that day, and I guess I have to accept my
    fate sooner or later. Sooner is better than later, so I might as well
    accept it now. I’m not too good at making friends – actually, I’m
    pretty shitty at it. Yeah, 40k people here and I can’t find one to be
    my friend.

    I feel like crap, I’m tired, and I have to leave here at 8:30 am (earlier than usual – sad). Guess I’m off to bed..

    you got your own way of looking at it, baby
    i guess that proves that i got mine
    seems like our hearts are set on automatic
    we say the first thing that comes to mind
    it’s just who we are, baby
    we’ve come too far to start over now
    i know what you’re thinking
    i’m not always easy to be around
    but i do love you
    you keep believing that you love me too
    and i know it’s true
    this love drives us crazy, but nobody’s walking away
    so i guess we’ll do it the hard way

    (the song i’m obsessed with right now… “The Hard Way” by Keith Urban)

  • The Final Straw, Books, and Cat Shows.

    Well, I finally did it. I blocked
    Anthony on instant messenger. I can’t deal with it anymore. I don’t
    want to listen to his name-calling, whether it is about me or someone
    close to me. I am not going to feel bad for going to bed because I was
    tired. I’m not going to feel bad because his life isn’t up to par with
    mine. And I’m not going to feel bad because my dreams and goals trumps
    his pathetic lifestyle of sleeping all day. Ugh, I was getting sick of
    that and now I am glad it’s over.

    Quote from Wednesday’s BCA Lecture:
    (We have a guest lecturer for the next 7 lectures because we learning in-depth Genetics.)
    My Professor:
    Lecturer's name (I forgot it)], are you still getting those Russian
    women emailing you?
    Guest Lecturer:
        No, the filter is getting better…. but I did get
    an email for soft viagra. Sounds kinda contradictory, don’t you think?
    I don’t think I’ll be ordering that anytime soon.

    LOL. The whole class started laughing and later on I thought about it
    and started laughing again. That’s quite embarassing when you are
    sitting by yourself and you just start laughing.

    I am still
    looking for a decent, steady job. Tomorrow morning before class at 1:30
    p.m. I am going out to “pound the pavement” as my mother likes to say.
    I have to drop off resumes at the vet hospitals I have called. And I am
    about to apply to every restuarant in the vicinity of 15 miles. I have
    to apply to places tomorrow morning because Dad is going to be here
    tomorrow evening at 6:30-ish with Anne. We are going to the game on
    Saturday versus Penn State. Heard it’s supposed to be a good game, but
    it’s not like I actually know anything because I rather suck at
    following any sports teams religiously. There is a party on Saturday
    that I might go to, but I have horse rescue on Sunday and I kind of
    don’t want to go there hungover. I’ve done plenty of stuff hungover
    (like 8:00 class) but I feel like I can’t do that anymore. We’ll see. I
    don’t have a costume either (and I hate dressing up in a costume).
    Leaning towards no, but can sober drive those who are going. That’d be

    I got the new PostSecret book in the mail today! I am so
    excited. I could barely wait to read it but I had to wait until I got
    back to my apartment to read it (it got sent to my parent’s house and I
    was there this afternoon because the kitten had a vet appointment). I
    flew through it. I am obsessed with that website and those books. I
    pre-ordered this book for only $11 because I had to buy the first one
    for $25.

    That reminds me that I am not currently reading any books. Boo. I
    finished The Kiterunner which was excellent. I have Atlas Shrugged
    sitting in my bookcase that is being begged to read but I keep kicking
    it out of the way because it’s hard to read and getting into it has
    been difficult. Maybe I’ll pick it back up soon. It was supposed to be
    my “gym book” – the book I read when I do the elliptical – but I have
    since got a workout DVD that I can do at home. No more “gym book”.

    saw my cat (the one I have had since I was 8) at my parent’s house
    today. In her younger cat show days, she never weighed over 8 pounds.
    Now she is tipping the scales at around 14 or 15 pounds. She’s so pudgy
    and chubby. Picking her up is like carrying a brick around. Nothing
    compared to 3.4 pound little baby Sasha. (Which, Sasha says hi! She is
    attacking my hair as I type this.) One more set of booster shots at the
    end of November, then surgery in January to get her spayed and front
    declawed. She isn’t going to be a happy camper then, but it must be

    PS: I want to put Sasha in a cat show! I miss the days when
    Oreo was in 4-H cat shows. She was the prettiest one there, and I think
    Sasha could have a good chance (very good chance). She’s pretty enough.
    I gotta check it out.

    Night, y’all! And have a great weekend!

  • New Pics of Sasha!

    “Woah, Mom. The flash is too bright.”

    “Ah, lounging around. My favorite thing to do besides attacking imaginary prey.”

    “What IS that thing?”

    (I love this picture because I cut both of us off. She looks semi-normal and I look creepy.)

    is 16 weeks now and terrorizing me. I love her to death but she can
    grate my nerves. I’m trying to figure out her exact coloring. She is a
    tabby of sorts, with stripes on her legs and chest but with spots on
    her stomach. Her back is a mix of red, black, white, and gray. She
    might have some ticking in her. Perfect for her wild child streak. She
    is the center of my world.

    Love y’all.

  • poison

    This makes me sad.
    I mean, those people love their dogs and they are gonna lose them.
    It just really makes me upset.

    I find it funny that this guy I dated will frequent my site to read
    about my life for a reason unknown to me, but he shuts off his site to
    me because OMG I’m just evil and I want to know everything about his
    stupid life. Yeah, ok. I have a lot more brain cells than he thinks and
    I can figure stuff out pretty well. I don’t give two shits about him
    reading this because it doesn’t matter that much to me. I don’t care
    who reads this. I have nothing to hide. Apparently, though, he has a
    lot to hide. Life seriously isn’t worth it. He’s not worth it. At all.
    I seriously am thankful that it’s just over. Seriously. Otherwise,
    yeah. Gross.

  • Insomnia, New Steps, and A Tiny Fib.

    It’s 3:12 a.m. This is due
    to the wonderfulness of kitten playtime at 2:30 a.m. My body and my
    brain want to go to sleep, but the little princess decided that it just
    wasn’t allowed. Bit me, played with her mouse-runs-around-thing, played
    in the bottom of the bookcase, tried to climb into the tub, ate, played
    with the water in her water dish, and now I’m here. I locked her in the
    bathroom and bedroom (they’re connected) just so I could type this
    without her tearing up the living room rug or hiding under the futon. I
    have to get up in less than 5 hours, and not looking forward to it.
    These nighttime play bouts are fun for her, but not for me. Ah, holding
    on. It’s seriously not that big of a deal, but for some reason, today
    it is.

    New Steps.
    Well, guess I might as well put this out there. It doesn’t really
    matter to me because I’d rather bear my soul than anything else, I
    think. I’ve been reading this book called “When Will I Be Happy?” I
    read it, and I think every chapter I find myself shaking my head ‘yes’
    to everything the lady is saying. I think, “Oh that is so me” or “I do
    that all the time”. Um, so yes. I seriously am a perfectionist who
    thinks I should be the center of everyone’s universe and beats myself
    down when I make a small mistake or when something goes wrong (because,
    I mean, I think everything that goes wrong is always my fault). I’m
    only a couple chapters into the book, and I’m sure I’ll come up with
    some more issues I have that I can give a name. So, for this “new
    steps” thing. I read in the book where this girl is given a task to
    start five conversations with five different people at this party she
    goes to. I am pretty darn shy (really) and I have a terrible fear of
    rejection so I just sit on the sidelines. Well, I made a promise to
    myself that when I go to something (I don’t know what or where yet), I
    would start three conversations with people. Huge thing for me. I’m the
    person who can’t even say hi to someone when I’m walking on campus.
    Seriously, if I see someone I know, I will turn my head towards the
    ground so they won’t see me or I will pretend I’m texting on my cell
    phone. It’s bad. I know it’s bad. It’s just that fixing it takes a lot
    of work, and I have to do all that work on my own.

    A Tiny Fib.
    So as you all know (haha, “all” refers to like, three people), Anthony
    has been contacting me the past week or so. He took it upon himself to
    cuss at me and call me names (such as “hoochie” and “hooch” – that’s
    rude) because I wasn’t around this week when I had four tests. He
    really expects my schedule to revolve around his life. Next time I talk
    to him I just want to tell him that I’m kind of seeing someone. Maybe
    he’ll leave me alone and stop bugging me about us moving in together.
    It doesn’t really matter, he’s states away from me. But, still, it’s
    the principal of the matter. He broke up with me.
    And I’m not taking his ass back. No sirree. Telling him I am kind of
    seeing someone isn’t really a lie, I guess. I mean, I dunno. What?
    Haha. I’m not seeing anyone but it’s like I don’t know. Complicated?
    Confusing? I like someone, I think, but yeah, don’t really know. Long
    distance is freaking harder than anything in this world and with the
    amount of stress I am already under, ahh.. yeah. Blah, blah, blah.
    Dunno. What should I do? I tried to hide from Anthony but I can’t hide
    forever, and I don’t want to lie to him but it’s probably the best way
    to make his back the eff off. And really, I don’t want to be a rude
    bitch because he is was (edited thanks to Tina) good to me and I want to keep him as a friend.

    Ok, let’s try this sleep again.
    Thanks for listening (all three of you)!

  • The Evil Bus System, My Weird Cat, and Why I Fail at Life (again).

    I’m so very tired. I spent all last
    night/early this morning studying for three tests, one of which I found
    out (20 minutes before that class started) that the test isn’t until
    Friday. Someone read their syllabus wrong, and that someone is me. Now
    I have to study more stuff that we learned today as well as going over
    Biology lectures tonight and studying for that quiz tomorrow. But
    everyone who was in class today got 10 extra bonus points for the test
    by writing down ten terms and definitions that he is using to make a
    crossword puzzle, so yay! Go me! Now onto the real wonders of my day..

    The Evil Bus System
    Well, the bus system here really irritates the living bejeezus
    out of me. I catch the 1B bus (my normal route) going the opposite way
    than I usually catch it. It goes downtown, and in my weird head I am
    thinking that it will stay 1B all the way, just turn around downtown
    and head back to where my apartment is. I couldn’t have been more
    wrong. I was texting someone when we got downtown and wasn’t really
    paying attention (because I was supposed to right with my assumption!).
    The bus pulls off and it goes way far from where I actually live. 30
    minutes later, and we are back at the downtown bus stop. My head is
    pounding and I’m quite irritated with myself, because not only am I now
    on the wrong bus but I just took a scenic tour of the town without
    wanting to. I get on the right bus, and I’m home in 20 minutes. But,
    seriously, one hour later after I got on the bus I finally get home. I
    seriously hate riding the bus with a passion. Who invented the buses
    changing routes in the middle of it? Unreasonable.

    My Weird Cat
    Sasha is about 14.5 weeks old now and getting more insane as the days
    pass. Her new favorite pasttime is to attack me when I’m trying to
    sleep (she thinks my legs, feet, body under the blanket is some sort of
    prey), jumping onto the toilet and ripping the toilet paper off the
    roll dragging it into her litter box and all over the floor, biting the
    internet cord/phone cord/cell phone charger cord, eating my pens/trying
    to eat my food and drink my water/eating fuzzies off the floor, and
    also to squeeze into tight fit places only to get semi-stuck. She also
    carries around “Mousey” (or “Mousies” – she has two), which are these
    rainbow colored catnip mice that she freaking loves. The only toy I
    don’t really like her playing with is this ball with a bell in it.
    Freaking annoying when I’m trying to sleep.

    She is still on her amoxicillin until it is all gone but she’s showing
    no more signs of sickness. She’s gotten bigger and her colors are
    starting to separate more. She’s a very chic striped and looks more
    like a tigeress than anything (except for the fact that she’s dark
    colors/gray).  Expect some more stories about her weirdness at a
    later date.

    Why I Fail at Life (Again)
    You know, this whole “perfectionist” thing is not all
    it’s cracked up to be. I am really bad at keeping track of my money so
    my funds are kind of dwindling. Since I feel like I have to be the
    “perfect child”, calling or telling my parents of any kind of trouble I
    am having is just not in the cards with me. I figured I could just
    handle it myself, pick up an extra job or two. Anything, I don’t know.
    But of course something always happens to screw that plan up. Mom
    opened my bank statement and let’s just say it wasn’t up to par. It’s
    not bad, just not great, ya know? Hearing my mother tell me (for
    probably the 100th time in my life) that she is “disappointed” in me
    and that it is “unacceptable” just kills me. On top of this, there is
    issues with my immunization records so I can’t register until I bring
    another copy to them and that’s just making her more upset with me. I’m
    sick of disappointing my parents. I’m sick of being so unaccaptable.
    Maybe I’m not cut out for this crap. I want to get through this
    undergraduate stuff, but I can’t even be responsible now.

    Of course, this turned into a conversation about “what is really
    wrong”. I’m tired. I’m freaking tired. I don’t have a life. I go to
    school, I work, I eat, I sleep, I play with Sasha, and I spend my free
    time reading or playing games by myself. I should really freaking own
    up to the fact that being alone has got to be some kind of life
    calling. I have two friends, both of which aren’t here. It’s just hard
    to be twenty years old and in college, only to have no friends at a
    school of 40,000 students. Every day I get up and it’s the same thing.
    Every night I go to sleep and it’s still the same. Mom wants me to be
    “assertive” and to “put yourself out there”. Does she know who she is
    talking to?

    It’s nearing November and getting through it this year is gonna be
    hard. Yeah, it’s gonna be hard because this year there is no boyfriend.
    No boyfriend for Christmas, or New Year’s. I miss him sometimes but it
    being this time of year again makes me think about it more. It’s just
    not the same, and it not being the same is a bit hard. If I can get
    through this season, then I will be one step closer to freeing my

    I think I’m getting some kind of rash on my left hand.

  • “What
    I choose is you. You’re the one I want to wake up with, and go to bed
    with, and do everything in between with. I get a choice now, I get to
    choose. I choose you.”

    freaking 1:30 in the morning and I am just now taking a short break
    from studying. Of course, considering my mind has been elsewhere half
    the time I have been studying, I haven’t learned much. I have four
    tests in two days, and I really don’t want to make tonight an
    all-nighter because tomorrow is already going to be one. There is a lot
    on my mind. So much on my mind that even though I could do something to
    change that, I don’t think it’s the right time. Is there a right time?
    Is there such a moment as that?

    I am holding onto the fact that if I let myself bathe in this for a
    little more, it will be even more special in the end. I don’t want to
    ruin everything. I don’t want to bear my soul and be rejected. I don’t
    want to let go, only to not receive back. But the more names I get
    called by the ex, the more times I get messages from him with cuss
    words and harsh language, the more I want to run into the arms of
    someone who will treat me a million times better than that. The ex
    thinks he can push his way back into my life and it just doesn’t work
    that way. I don’t want him back in my life, I can’t have him back in my
    life. I am not responsible and will not become responsible for him.
    That’s up to him. I can’t save him from everything.

    I need to save myself from what I have set myself up. Failure, and
    discontent, and to suffer from the drone of living the life of a
    perfectionist. Letting go is hard, but it’s getting easier as the days
    pile on. I don’t know what is right or what is wrong, and all I can do
    is go with my heart. But I’ve never really done that. I’m the planner.
    I’m the one who has a schedule. I am starting to seriously throw that
    schedule away. I don’t want to live with a timeline. I can’t plan my
    life around the age I prefer to do something. It’s up to the Big Man
    and I know that. Whatever Fate has in store for me, I need to welcome
    it with open arms.

    I’ve been emotional lately. I’m stressed about school (super-stressed),
    stressed about making enough to money, stressed about getting myself
    through the next couple months knowing they are going to be rough. I
    don’t know how to stop feeling so lonely day in and day out. I’m as
    assertive as I can make myself be, and that’s just not assertive
    enough. Being a wallflower isn’t fun after a while, but a role I am
    used to playing. Studying today is wearing me out, but I need to put in
    another hour and a half before crashing into bed before the cat wakes
    me around eight. Then more studying before lab at 2:50, then back here
    to study between end of lab and test time at 8:30. Then back here to
    study for three tests on Wednesday, but not before stocking up on
    caffeine to keep my alive and awake during the first all nighter of the
    semester. I’m sure there will be many more to come, seeing as vet
    school is right around the corner. I’m tired but I can’t let myself be

    It’s late and the one person I want to be talking to really isn’t there
    anymore, so who knows? Keeps me company when I’m trying to work through
    hundreds of chemistry problems, half of which I have gotten wrong and
    now must go back to rework them.

    Time for some orange juice and some more studying. It’s gonna never
    end. I’m sure you’ll see me here Wednesday morning taking breaks from
    the books. Siiiigh.

    Why can’t you see that everything is about you??

  • Reading four hundred pages for a test this coming Wednesday is not fun,
    so I am taking a break even though I have approximately three hundred
    left to go. I’m sick of reading about the evolution of humans and all
    the bones they found and all the studies they did and how they
    determine this and that and some other thing. So, here I am, trying to
    procrastinate even more (yeah, even after I pushed off reading these
    pages until this weekend) but give me a break, I need some of my sanity

    I went to bed last night crying my eyes out for reasons unknown to me.
    Well, really, I kind of know but.. yeah. I want to do something but
    it’s just not the right time and I’m not in the right place but if I
    don’t do it soon, I might lose out but maybe it’s okay to lose out but
    I don’t want to because who knows what I could gain, but at the same
    time it just doesn’t feel right at this moment. Whew. Okay. If that
    didn’t confuse you, then I don’t know what will. Anyways, falling
    asleep was a bit of a battle even though I was dead tired. I restrained
    myself to my bed and didn’t get up to check the computer like I
    desperately wanted to because I didn’t feel like ripping out my heart
    that was barely still alive.

    In other news, I’m trying to avoid Anthony at all costs by not signing
    onto Yahoo and when I do, I do so invisibly. I just can’t take talking
    to him. It’s like talking a child who can’t get it through his head
    that (a) we are not moving in together anytime soon or ever in this
    lifetime, (b) it’s not cool that he had some kind of heart attack (oh,
    sorry, two) because he was on drugs and smoking cigarettes and drinking
    alcohol even after he was advised not to do so, (c) I don’t want to be
    with him because it’s seriously like dealing with someone who is 5
    years old, (d) he’s a complete idiot for being his age, still living
    with his mom, unemployed, and blaming it on his “episodes” when we both
    know he can take his medication and be fine, and (e) sweet talking is
    not the thing to do, because I am not falling for it.

    I sound bitter but seriously, who wants to take back someone who broke
    up with you, then came back four months later because he wants to “try
    again” after ripping your heart out, then disappears again and then
    comes back again and the cycle keeps going? Let alone he can’t even
    take care of himself and thinks that he can move in with you so you can
    work your ass off to provide for him while he spends his entire day
    stinking up the place you pay for with cigarettes and coffee spills and
    laying around watching television? Um, no thanks. But seriously, I’d
    rather be with a man who is the complete opposite.

    (1) Must have job.
    (2) Must take care of self.
    (3) Must do something with their life.

    He has none of those, and it’s just not gonna fly. Buh-bye.

    Also, Sasha is no longer sick and is being much more like a kitten.
    This included bugging the living hell out of me and getting into
    everything under the sun, and eating things that kittens shouldn’t. She
    keeps stealing my little Halloween bear and thinking it’s her toy to
    chew on/scratch on/eat. It’d be cute except my grandma got it for me,
    and it’s kinda a nice thing I’d like to keep. I have been trying to get
    videos of her playing but every time I pull out the camera, she stops
    and is more interested in the camera than anything else. I also want to
    get a picture of her carrying her mouse around with her in her mouth
    but she usually drops it just when I’m going to take the picture. But
    at least she isn’t sick anymore, so that’s good. Of course, she hates
    the amoxicillin but it’s like that cough syrup your mom used to give
    you when you were younger and sick. It’s supposed to have a “good
    taste” but everyone knows it tastes disgusting.

    –Thanks for listening. Life has been crappy.

  • I don’t know why I did it but I just
    found myself not being able to stop. I had to click that button, I had
    to fall back into that trap. And I found myself spiraling back down
    that windy road. All those feelings rushing back, wishing that they had
    never left. That he had never left. It feels so unfair, so hard. It’s
    been nearly a year later since we first started dating, yet nothing has
    changed in me. I can still remember every detail of his face, his
    hands, the way he slept, the way he talked… everything. I can still
    smell him and hear him. And sometimes, when my cell phone rings, I
    desperately hope it’s him. I know, in the back of my brain and in the
    depths of my heart, that it isn’t.. and it never will be again. I play
    that song and hope to wipe away the memories. I carry myself through
    the words and the melody, knowing that one day I might be able to hear
    it and not be phased by it. But it’s been so long, and it still does. I
    still find myself hunched over with tears falling down the sides of my
    cheeks and pooling on the desk.

    I often wonder why. There are no answers. There will never be answers.
    I have to be okay with that, but right now I’m not. I move on, and he
    comes back. Just as my hope flies by up, he leaves. The same cycle a
    couple of times, and I’ve held myself back. It’s taken all the strength
    I have on a couple of occasions to not run back. To not fall back into
    the safety net. It’s not safe anymore. Was it ever safe? More questions
    unanswered. I can’t seek for the answers, they will never come. Yet, I
    ask more and more questions. I hope one day I can stop asking. I can’t
    believe it’s been this long. He has to remember. Does he remember? He
    has to. Probably doesn’t. I don’t expect him to.

    I haven’t cried over him for a while. For him? With him? It’s just hit
    me tonight. I had to take that step back into the past. I just had to
    look at those entries, read the journal, reminisce. I’m here, he’s
    there. We are far apart. We don’t talk anymore. But it still hurts. I
    never wish this pain on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. There are some
    days that I feel empty. I feel worthless sometimes, that my life is
    pointless and going nowhere. I know it isn’t, but it feels like it. Why
    can’t I stop loving him? Why does he have to still have a piece of me?
    Why, why, why? More questions. No answers.

    Let me let you go.

    [Edit: 1:33 a.m.]
    Right after I wrote this post, he showed back up. Siiigh.

  • Just a little list.

    • Tina is going to be here tomorrow! After seven months of not
      seeing her loveliness, we have so much to catch up on (it’s so much
      easier in person) which will all start with WINE NIGHT on Friday after
      a delicious dinner somewhere in the city. It is probably going to be
      the best weekend I have had in a loooong time.
    • Sasha is doing well. She thinks that by following me around and
      crying at an annoying level will result in me immediately picking her
      up and letting her crawl all over me. She still doesn’t understand that
      it just doesn’t work that way. I know she’s still a baby, but if she’s
      not by me at all times (except for now… she’s sleeping under the
      futon), the world will just end. Most of the time I end up picking her
      up, but her crawling around on me doesn’t last long…
    • I have interview tomorrow afternoon between classes at Purdue’s
      Small Animal Hospital for the receptionist position. That is all I have
      to say about it. I don’t like to jinx myself.
    • I also got an email today from a woman at the Humane Society
      saying that she is trying to get Thursday afternoon open for me to take
      pictures of the cats that need to be adopted.
    • Also… I got an email from a lady at the zoo asking if I wanted
      to volunteer or intern at the zoo for exposure to exotics (I had
      applied for a job there but it ended up being work study only..).
    • I went to the grocery store to get food because my apartment was
      pretty bare. When I came out and was going to open my trunk, this old
      guy in his car across from mine starts honking his horn and waving me
      to come over… so I went over there thinking that he might have needed
      help. He then asked me if I had a handicap thing hanging from my
      rearview mirror. I said no, that it was just an air freshner. He told
      me that I have to take it down because it is a hazard. I just said ok
      and walked away. Like, huh? Why does it matter to him if I have an air
      freshner in my car? And what if it was a handicap thing? I wasn’t in a
      handicap spot. It was weird.
    • I got organic orange juice. Yay.
    • I hate paying bills. It really gets at me because parting with my money is not fun.
    • Well, Sasha is here now and anytime soon she will crawl up my leg
      and onto the computer desk to sit in between my arms. When she cries
      and looks at you, it is seriously the funniest face in the world. (She
      says hi.)
    • I get to see both my sisters this weekend. As we get older, we
      get a lot closer. The same with my relationship with my mom. It’s
      really cool. But it stinks that it took us this long to get close (my
      mom and I).
    • I sometimes really wish I wasn’t so sensitive.

    Ok. That’s it. Have a good weekend, kids!